Thursday, March 1, 2012

February Training Recap

February 2012 Stats:

  • 15 days working out 
  • 9 miles walking outside (I count any walk over 2 miles as being a workout!)
  • 19.62 miles running
  • 509 floors of stairs climbed
  • 95 minutes on the elliptical
  • 2 laps in the pool
  • One climb to the top of the climbing wall at the gym

Well, I worked out more days than not, so that's a big change for me! And there's more variety, which is good. I'm also thankful that two days in February were nice enough for walks outside; I can't wait for the true arrival of spring. Winter is my least favorite season, and every year during March I yearn for the freedom to go outside without hat & gloves & coat & shoes - I love just being able to walk out the front door with no prep time, so the first day that I can wear flip flops is a celebratory day for sure. And now that I'm responsible for putting warm clothes on two people, one of whom is very squirmy, I'm even more psyched about t-shirt weather. (Yes, fellow Chicagoans, you do not need to remind me that we regularly have snowstorms in April, just let me dream that winter is almost over.)

Some goals for March - I've been reading about the importance of creating a good base weekly mileage of running before really starting to train for a marathon, with many websites suggesting anywhere between 15 to 30 miles a week...and this is one recommendation that I definitely did NOT follow my first time around with marathon training. In January and February I only averaged about 5 miles a week, so I need to step that up starting now. My goal is to run at least 4 times a week. My second goal is to begin incorporating some strength training into my workouts - I always just get on the treadmill or elliptical after very minimal stretching, and all the weights and weight machines intimidate me. So I've signed up for 3 personal training sessions at EAC (there was a deal for over 50% off, otherwise it is too expensive!) and my first one is tomorrow. We'll see how it goes!


  1. Don't stretch before exercise! Static stretching of cold muscles slightly *increases* the odds of injury, and decreases performance. Warm up a bit, work out, and stretch afterwards- or take an entirely separate stretch/yoga/pilates class (hot yoga is amazing. I know I say that all the time, but it's because it's true). But static stretching before a run is not good!

    Also, I am still so proud of you!

    1. Thanks for the advice, Emmy - the trainer told me the same thing when I met with him on Friday, so now I'm doing a 5 minute jog first before a "dynamic" stretching session (which has me doing very strange looking things like the "inchworm" and the "sumo squat" - I have to keep reminding myself that no one is watching me personally at the gym.) Hot yoga kind of sounds like hell. :)

  2. It sounds like hell but it feels like heaven. Seriously. I am more relaxed and happy after a hot yoga class than a massage at a spa. For real. It is that good. Especially if you don't stretch much, the difference in how you'll feel after is... profound.
