Friday, September 21, 2012

Look what came in the mail today!

Ahh! I'm really doing it!
I absolutely can't believe that the marathon is two weeks and two days away - the past month has flown by since I've been so busy with work. And my marathon training has suffered a bit in quantity, due to exhaustion and to simple lack of available daylight hours in which to run. But I'm confident that I'll be ready, come October 7th!

If you're planning on coming out to watch the marathon, please let me know, via email or phone or Facebook or whatever - I'd love to try to meet up with you while I'm running! Last time I did it, in 2006, through some luck and some planning I was able to see someone I knew every 3 miles, and that was super motivating (plus I was able to steal sips of all their various coffee drinks).

I'm officially on the "taper" part of the training, and am planning on doing 12 miles on Sunday morning. Almost there!

1 comment:

  1. Yay Danika! So it only took me 10 months to make good on my pledge to support you financially in your fundraising and racing quest this year... Today I made a $26.20 donation to the ADA in honor of my mom (who was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes not that long ago). The $26.20 is for the miles that you will run on Sunday in the Marathon. I couldn't be more happy for and proud of you for this adventure you have taken on this year and the life that you have created for you, Savva and your beautiful daughter. Sending lots of love and cowbell your way, especially as you prepare for Sunday! Go Danika go! xoxo
